Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Safety issues regarding foreign recreational fisherman in Norway Dissertation

Safety issues regarding foreign recreational fisherman in Norway - Dissertation Example Norway is a very popular destination for recreational fishing due to its preserved natural world, long coastline with wide seabed and fjords. Presently, fish is the third most important export product for Norway after oil/gas and metal, and accounts for 5.7 % of the aggregate of Norwegian export value. (â€Å"Fishing and fish farming,† 2009) Lofoten, located in northern Norway, is regarded as the birthplace of tourist fishing, and dates back to 1960’s(confirm!); the old, unused cabins were used to accommodate the guests, and as the amount of guests rose, new cabins were built to meet this demand. (Williams et al., 2011) It is important to mention at this point that, until the 90’s, there was no organized fishing tourism. The growth in organized fishing tourism was partly the result of a special marketing campaign led by Innovation Norway from the mid 90’s. (â€Å"Borch et al., 2011†) Norway has a very liberal approach to tourist fishers and applies no quotas, taxes or specific regulations on recreational tourist fishers in the sea, except basic rules regarding the tools that they are allowed to use and also regarding selling fish, which is not allowed for tourist fishermen. (â€Å"Williams et al., 2011†) The only rules applied to tourist fishers except these, are the general rules, such as safety at sea regulations etc. More on these rules and regulations regarding tourist fishermen and its contrast between commercial fishermen will be talked upon later on. Norway’s approach to fishing in general is that the fish in the sea belongs to the Norwegian society as a whole. This approach was legislated by The Marine Resource Act that was implemented in 2008(!), this purpose of this

Monday, October 28, 2019

Political and Economic System Essay Example for Free

Political and Economic System Essay Spain’s political system is parliamentary monarchy. Spain has many different political and economic issues that can impact the society. Most of these issues can be deal by the government. Sometimes other countries can be compare and contract its political and economic issues to other countries. Political System Spain’s government is parliamentary monarchy. The most important task of the constitution was to devolve power to the regions, which were given their own governments, regional assemblies and supreme legal authorities. The central government retains exclusive responsibility for foreign affairs, external trade, defense, justice, law (criminal, commercial and labour), merchant shipping and civil aviation. Spain has been a member of the United Nations (UN) since 1955, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 1982 and the European Union (EU) since 1986, and is also a permanent observer member of the Organization of American States (OAS). Spain has three branches of government which includes the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch. The Senate has 259 members, directly elected by a first-past-the-post system. Each province provides four members plus additional members in the Balearic and Canary islands, where extra members represent the various islands, making a total of 208 members. The 17 autonomous regions also elect one senator each and an additional member for every million inhabitants, totaling a further 51 members. The Senate has the power to amend or veto legislation initiated by Congress. Under Spanish law, the official result of a general election is made public five days after the vote, in order to allow sufficient time for recounts and disputed results. After the members have been sworn in, the King of Spain meets with the party leaders and asks one of them to form a government, which must then be ratified by parliament. The leader of the party of government becomes the president of Spain and has his official residence in the Moncloa Palace in Madrid. The role of citizens in Spain is that they have to be born of a Spanish mother or father. A person born in Spain of foreign parents if neither of them has Spanish nationality or if neither of the parents legislations confer a nationality to their children. Spain has many political issues. One political issue is during the last few years has been corruption among public officials, including illegal financing of political parties, tax avoidance, fraud, bribery, trying to keep a place or someone in the residential institution, nepotism, misappropriation of public funds, illegal patronage, influence-peddling and kickbacks. Spain has been described (in the Spanish press) as the most corrupt society among the original 15 members of the EU and corruption permeates political and public life at every level. This problem is affecting the Marbella council on a massive scale, involving tens of millions of euros pocketed by council officials. Economic System Spain’s economy is a well-based way to equally spread money to all of the people. Some of Spain’s natural resources include coal, lignite, iron ore, uranium, mercury, pyrites, fluorspar, gypsum, zinc, lead, tungsten, copper, kaolin; hydroelectric power. Spain’s currency is the European Union euro. Spain’s imports include machinery and equipment, fuels, chemicals, semi-finished goods, foodstuffs, consumer goods, measuring and medical control instruments. In 2011, the amount of money that Spain received for imports was $364. 9 billion. Some of Spain’s exports include machinery, motor vehicles; foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medicines, other consumer goods. In 2011, the amount of money that Spain received for exports was $309. 6 billion. The gross domestic per capita is thirty three thousand six hundred euros a year. In labor force 2. 4 percent goes to agriculture, 24 percent to industry, and 71. 1 percent to services. Spain came out in the number one position because it is a sunny country, because its citizens enjoy shorter working hours and more days holiday, because energy and lifestyle costs are lower, because the government invests into education and healthcare, because the average age at which people die is higher than in most of Europe and because overall, living in Spain ensures you have a better quality of life. Spain has many economic issues. One economic issue is that the Spanish banks high exposure to the collapsed domestic construction and real estate market also poses a continued risk for the sector. The government oversaw a restructuring of the savings bank sector in 2010, and provided some $15 billion in capital to various institutions. Investors remain concerned that Madrid may need to bail out more troubled banks. The Bank of Spain, however, is seeking to boost confidence in the financial sector by pressuring banks to come clean about their losses and consolidate into stronger groups. Puerto Rico doesn’t have political and economic issues similar to Spain. One reason Puerto Rico political issue is not similar to Spain because Puerto Ricans do not have representation in the U. S. Senate and no voting representation in Congress. Instead, the 4 million U. S. Citizens of Puerto Rico only have one â€Å"Resident Commissioner† who cannot even vote on the House floor. Therefore, Puerto Ricans have no say in the making of the laws and statutes that apply to them. Even though the U. S. Supreme Court has absolute jurisdiction over Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans do not have representation in the U. S. Senate to cast an up or down vote on Supreme Court nominees. In the end, Puerto Rico is governed by a Congress in which they are not allowed to participate in, an Executive whom they did not elect, and a Judiciary whose justices they did not confirm. The 4 million U. S. Citizens of Puerto Rico are not allowed to fully participate in the democratic process of their nation. One reason Puerto Rico economic issue is not similar to Spain because recently in Puerto Rico the economy has suffered budget cuts from U. S. The Puerto Rican economy has depended heavily on the tax incentives given to U. S. mainland companies and on federal transfers. Conclusion There were many different things that I learned about Spain’s Political and Economic Systems. One thing that I found interesting was that Spain has the ninth largest economy in the world. Another thing that I found interesting was that Spain was originally a constitutional monarchy but over time became a parliamentary monarchy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Im Not Scared by Niccolò Ammaniti Essay -- Gabriele Salvatores Film

Niccolà ² Ammaniti's novel and Gabriele Salvatores' homonymous film "I'm Not Scared" have had their share of popularity in North America if not by gaining a conspicuous readership/spectatorship by travelling into the publicity-wagon of international distributors.1 The formula adopted by both writer and filmmaker appealed to investors as a marketable recipe and yet it failed to magnetize the scattered reader/viewer beyond a short flight-of-entertainment.2 The elements at play in the novel and film are quite remarkable for their traditionally universal appeal.3 The fates of two adolescents, one jailed the other unwilling jailer, intersect and are soon bound together in a struggle for survival at the hands of unsuspecting enemies. The filmmaker's aim was to adopt a child's unadulterated point of view in referential opposition to the surrounding adult world. Given the suspenseful plot and the exploration of the young protagonists' fears at coping with a habitat they must disavow, such an aim and narrative scheme were expected to gather much attention.4 The pre-teens Michele, the novel's principal hero, and Filippo the kidnapped child are ultimately elevated from a pit of dirt and fear, the antechamber of death, chiefly by their own heroic praxis. Yet the problematic lack of any meaningful degree of depth in the novel and film seems to lie precisely with its overly schematic construction, tailored to safely weather the otherwise unpredict able market. The proscription from any domain of memorable works may be due to a major problem both in the novel and film: the ambiguous point of view adopted. The novel is geared for a transposition to the screen. It is no coincidence that the film was scripted by Niccolà ² Ammaniti, who adapted ... ...Little Boy, Don't Look Down". 6 In the novel it is told that the story of Lazarus is learned at school from the schoolteacher, Signorina Destani, p. 83. 7 In fact the entire novel is set in the first person with Michele's voice assuming the narration in the initial race held with his neighboring peers. The incipit reads: "I was just about to overtake Salvatore when I heard my sister scream." 8 207. 9 Compare pages 155-157, 201-203 of the book with the same scenes in the film. 10 The effects of a filmic memory on the written word have been reason for study/confession of contemporary novelists. See Cohen, Keith, ed. Writing in a Film Age: Essays by Contemporary Novelists. 11 See Paul Ginsborg's A History of Contemporary Italy, 383-405. 12 In the film the date 1978 appears superimposed in the opening sequence. 13 Quoted by Frank Bruni.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lester Ward’s Contributions to American Sociology

Lester Frank Ward was a man of science. Sometimes dubbed as the â€Å"Father of American Sociology† or the â€Å"Social Darwin† Lester Ward was first a botanist and paleontologist. He understood the power of science. Ward wrote Dynamic Sociology and a few other works with the hopes to reinstate the importance of experimentation and the scientific method to sociology. He served as president of the American Sociological Society in 1906 and appointed assistant geologist of the U. S. Geological Survey, a position he held for two years. Born to Justus and Silence on June 18, 1941, young Lester came from very humble beginnings. His parents were very poor and could not afford to send him to school. So, Ward taught himself at home. Even at a young age, Ward displayed exceptional intelligence. He taught himself how to speak different languages, Latin and Greek to name a few. His studies also included mathematics, botany, and geology. Although, he was not at the intellectual level as Comte or Voltaire, he made many contributions to all things social and founded sociology in America. He went on to join the fight against the Rebels in 1862. He was sent home after the Battle of Chancellorsville after being shot three times. While healing from his wounds, he also saw the reality of war which is legalized murder. He realized that the real enemy was ignorance, superstition, and oppression. In college, he felt that if he was a recognized for his work in the natural sciences, then most would listen to him in the field of sociology. He believed that the natural sciences should be the base for social sciences. Ward’s style of writing was known to be brilliant and crystal clear. One might think this stems from his uncanny talent for language. His writings are plain and comprehensible, which is a breath of fresh air for a reader who might not comprehend wordy and difficult styles of writing. Dynamic Sociology is one of Ward’s well known works. The reception at first was not that grand and Ward almost gave up on sociology to focus his energies on botany and geology. It eventually was praised by one of Ward’s toughest critics, Albion W. Small. When Dynamic Sociology was translated into Russian, it caused such a stir in the Russian government that the Czar ordered all copies to be burned in the city square of St. Petersburg in 1891. This is what George Kennan had to say about the book burning: â€Å"I have tried in my humble way to serve the cause of liberty in Russia, but I have not been able to do it with ability enough to get my writings burned. You are evidently a very dangerous man† (Chugerman, 66). Pure Sociology is Ward’s most popular work. The transition in Ward’s views of society from naturalistic to an almost completely cultural view is evident in this work. It got rave reviews overseas but, America was a bit cold towards it. Ward had many minor contributions to sociology, but there are three major contributions that have endure throughout the years. First was the emphasis which Ward placed upon psychic factors in interhuman relations (Chugerman, 3). Ward believed that human intelligence could guide and control wishes, desires, and feelings. Only the human mind can understand a society in which humans live. A good example would be happiness. In Dynamic Sociology, Ward explains that â€Å"happiness in the popular restricted sense is the experiencing of the higher emotional pleasures afforded by the gratification of social, esthetic, moral, and intellectual taste†(Gerver, 7). Ward’s second contribution for the sociologist of today was his â€Å"emphasis upon human achievement as the proper subject matter for sociology† (Chugerman, 3). He did not believe that any species below man was capable of human achievement. This is proof of his different viewpoint previously mentioned. His view of human society was mainly naturalistic, yet here one sees the change to a cultural view. Ward believed that desires and purposes were the foundation of culture that came about by accident at first, but could be morphed into intelligent social purposes. He also states that sociology is the science of that culture. His third major contribution to sociology is his â€Å"passionate affirmation of the possibility of intelligent social progress† (Chugerman, 3). He firmly believed in and pushed for the development of sociology as a science. He believed education was the safest method in which to develop intelligent social progress. Ward’s definition of social progress is the â€Å"increase of happiness of mankind† (Chugerman, 4). Even then, some found this definition insufficient, yet it can’t be denied that Ward built a strong foundation for sociology with his philosophy. Telesis is the theory that through the power of mind, humans can take control of the situation and direct the evolution of human society. A telic society will develop individuals and therefore society as a whole. The higher the individual is develop, the more develop society will be. Progress depends on the achievements. Like Comte, Ward suggested that sociology should use the cientific method of the natural sciences. Ward’s constructed his synthetic method from Comte’s idea of synthesis and believed that science has no problems that cannot be solved. The core of the synthetic method â€Å"is the law of causality, the magnetic pole which keeps the mind within the bounds of reason† (Chugerman, 100). To ignore this means to go back to metaphysics, where anything is possible and things happen without a cause. Ward’s philosophy as the love of wisdom is the ideal behind his sociocracy. Science keeps the philosopher grounded and not to fly off into mistaken the supernatural for reality. Science alone is the base of all philosophy† (Chugerman, 94). Ward also believed that philosophy is a branch of the scientific method. From philosophy as synthesis rises science-philosophy. Science and philosophy go hand in hand and Ward believed that â€Å"only a scientist can become a true philosopher† (Chugerman, 95). Ward became an advocate for women’s rights. Most sociologists disagreed with his theory that women were superior to men. Ward questioned how the mother of race came to be at such an inferior state and wh at forces has shaped them. He stated that â€Å"male superiority was a fallacy and a result of tradition and prejudice† (Chugerman, 380). Ward’s sex theories were opposed by both sexes and had a small following. One female write, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, dedicated her work, The Man-Made World, to Ward. Ward was a champion for the equality of all races and classes. He believed that this could only be achieved through universal education. He fervently opposed eugenics, the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the species. Charlotte Gillman strongly agreed with this movement and Ward harshly criticized her for it. Lester Ward passed away in the year 1913 at age 72. Ward was an eccentric man and had few friends. The few eulogies given by his friends remembered a man who fought relentlessly for human freedom and equality. Sadly, the majority of the public only saw him as an old professor. Only those closest to him put him in the same rank as Comte or Huxley. His love for the common people and hard work secures his place in 20th century America.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sophocles shows a dramatic play

Recalling what had happened to Oedipus about finding out the he killed his own father and that he married his own mother and had children with her, Oedipus finally realized that the prophecy is true. Before, he ruled the city of Thebes, and because he wants to escape from the dirty life that he had been through, he poked out his eyes and went away. The question now is who deserves to get his protection, what city will be fortunate and will the prophecy prevail?Sophocles, shows a dramatic play for a tragic death of a hero and his mystical importance to the city of Athens. During the play, Oedipus who was now blind and frail had transformed to a beggar after he exiled himself from the city of Thebes. He was only with his daughter, Antigone, who guides his way. While they stand on the holy ground, Oedipus remembered the prophecy of Apollo that he will come to rest on that ground.By that time, Eteocles, the younger son of Oedipus, had overthrown Polynices to rule the city of Thebes. As a little description of Polynices, he was the older son of Oedipus and the twin brother of Eteocles who want to reconcile with his father for a selfish reason.He compared himself with his father which he considered as an outcast. Polynices attacked his brother in troops who is now under the rule of Creon, the brother –in- law of Oedipus. There is a prophecy which was known by Creon and Oedispus’ sons, that the place where Oedipus body will be buried will bring fortune to the city.Since they already knew about what’s going to happen, Polynices as well as Creon decided to go to Oedipus and take him back with the same reason of getting him in their custody and bury his body in their kingdom. However, Oedipus swears that he won’t give his two sons any support because they had done nothing to   he will never give his support to either of his sons, for they did nothing to prevent his exile years ago.By that time, Oedipus also called King Theseus and he arrived he pitied Oedipus because of the fate that has happened to him. Oedipus asked Theseus to keep him in Athens until the day he dies and at the same time he warned him by doing this favor. Without any hesitations and not thinking twice, Theseus accepted the favor and Oedipus promised him that the city will receive great blessings once his body will be buried in Colonus.Creon wants to seize Oedipus but because he knew that he can’t do that, he kidnapped Antigone and Ismene. Theseus promised that he will get oedipis’ daughters back.   Creon threatened to start war and used the two daughters as hostage, but then the king of Athenian drived Creon off, and soon freed Antigone and Ismene.Soon after Creon left, Polynices appeared, and he asked for his father’s favor to be in his custody. Since Oedipus gained his trust to Theseus he asked him to drive Polynices away, but Polynices wanted to explain his side that he did not condone his exile and the reason why the men of Thebes turned against him was because of his brother Eteocles.The worst thing that happened to Polynices aside from not winning his father back was the curse that his father gave him (Lines 269-576). Polynices asked his sisters support to give him a good burial after he dies as what the curse of father uttered.Suddenly, Oedipus hears a terrible thunder and declares that the time of his death has come.   Oedipus prepared for his death as he led Theseus, Ismene, and Antigone into a hidden part of the grave where he would lay to rest. The on witness to the death of Oedipus was Theseus and before he died, Theseus carried certain rites on the body of Oedipus so he received a divine protection to Athenes.Oedipus told Theseus that he must not reveal the spot where his body was placed and in order for the city to be safe for the next generation to come, he must pass it to his son when he dies and pass it to his son at his own death. When Oedipus finally died, Theseus took his daughter to their fathers’ grave.In giving my own view about who should really have the chance to be given the protection for either of the two cities, I would say that it should really be Athens. It is because as I am looking in Oedipus perspective; he has the will to choose to whom he will give his protection.There are several reasons why his decision was the right thing to do: First, when the time that he has planned to exile himself from the city of Thebes, his sons especially Polynices who is the eldest, did not even show any ability to stop his father from exiling himself and wander outside the city of Thebes. Greediness has been seen in the character of Polynices as well as with Creon and Eteocles.Polynices had the chance of getting the protection of his father’s corpse however, because of his self-serving reason, he disregarded his fate. He made a vision of invading Thebes and because his father knew his plans, he unfortunately cursed his son, which had caused his death. The other reason was that during that time, Oedipus already believed in the prediction of the oracles since his identity has been revealed and the prophecy had come to pass. He remembered that his prophecy was to die in the near the city gate located in Athenes is located.The third reason why his body stay in Athens is because, he should leave his bad memories in Thebes, where his prophecy had all started, which all draws back from his father’s oracle, Laius was murdered, Thebes was plagued by Sphinx, Oedipus became the king but then he turned to be the queen’s own son, famine came, Oedipus become blinded and soon exiled and finally her wife hangs herself;.Several memories which led to his suffering came ultimately from Thebes. And finally, the king of Athenes, Theseus, had shown his humbleness and kindness to Oedipus who asked for his help and gratefully accepted the favor of keeping him inside the city until he dies, although Oedipus warned him about a possible venge ance of the other city.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Rubbish system

Essay on Rubbish system Essay on Rubbish system Rubbish system Solar Panels Problem The rubbish that is we are littering on our streets and waterways do is affecting the life of our marine animals and destroys their food chain. Only 20 % of the litter that is produced goes to landfill. The remainder goes to waste recycling, into streets; parks and ocean which ills marine life and small landfill that cannot create energy. There are many types of rubbish systems, however one of the best rubbish disposal is the most common is household waste. You put your rubbish in the bin, which is connected with a pipe that is under ground. The pipe pumps the rubbish to a landfill place where it stays for a period of time. Consolidated in this place you can get energy from the gases that are released. The gases are called methane and carbon dioxide. Once processes completed you can use that energy or sell it to a power company for profit. Is a good way to generate energy? It is sustainable process and saleable product. How does it work; the suns enters into a crystal panel converter that uses the energy of the sun and turns it into power. The excess power not used goes into a grid that you can store or sold to a power station for income. Using energy in this form we reduce our carbon footprint and stop polluting our environment for a safe and healthy free future. Wind Turbines Problem Our earth keeps on getting warmer and warmer due to Release of gases called Methane and carbon dioxide and Making the earth like a greenhouse trapping the heat. We need to use these solutions to our advantage and stop Our earth turning our earth into a greenhouse. Wind turbines are placed in open field that gets a lot of wind Through them. They are often located on the coastline or in Specific locations where wind is strong. The wind spins the Turbine the movement generates energy which goes into a Grid and can be stores in a grid available for use when needed. Sewage water Sewage is where your human waste goes, unfortunately most of the sewage goes out into the ocean that which effects marine life. Sewage is where your human waste is discarded. The dirty water flows down the sink or toilet to the sewer treatment plant where it is cleaned then you can recycle it. Then it is ready to be consumed and it is piped to house where it is as clean as new. How does it work? Your human waste goes through tunnels to get to work site to be cleaned. Flowing through sand filters to get rid of the dirt cleans it. Cleaned water is then pumped into reservoirs a pipes and flows

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Eve Of Saint John

Extra Credit Gallery Review I chose a piece from the San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa Park entitled the â€Å"Eve of Saint John†, painted by Peter Hurd. Also known as â€Å"Noche de San Juan† due to the strong hispanic influence in the artists’ life. Born in Roswell, New Mexico, Hurd originally was destined to be in the military for one Hurd had fought in every American war since the French and Indian war in the dawn of our country. Peter was formally known as Hugh Hurd then changed his name in his teens because his parents had been calling him Pete since he was a child. Peter dropped out of the West Point Military Academy due to the rigorous physical and mental stress and devoted his life to the arts. He moved back to Roswell and spent most of his life there. The â€Å"Eve of Saint John† was painted in 1960 on his ranch in New Mexico. The little girl in the depiction is the daughter of Hurd’s ranch foreman and is alive today, still living in Roswell. The child, Doretea Herrera, at the time was twelve years of age and is on her way to a church function holding a candle in her hands. The artist chose to add a lot of detail to even the background of the painting, but I will focus right now on the main image on the board. The girl in the painting has extremely soft skin, which is accomplished by light brush strokes to the cheeks and arms. Her face has many different colors of pink, peach and brown, highlighted with bright white from the candle. She holds the candle in her left hand and shields the flame from view with her right. The brightness from the candle flame can be seen through the cracks between her fingers and is achieved by using brightly colored paint in those areas. The flame barely breaks the plane between the top of her right hand and the background. The girl has sharp facial features not seen often in Mexican or Hispanic peoples, but... Free Essays on Eve Of Saint John Free Essays on Eve Of Saint John Extra Credit Gallery Review I chose a piece from the San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa Park entitled the â€Å"Eve of Saint John†, painted by Peter Hurd. Also known as â€Å"Noche de San Juan† due to the strong hispanic influence in the artists’ life. Born in Roswell, New Mexico, Hurd originally was destined to be in the military for one Hurd had fought in every American war since the French and Indian war in the dawn of our country. Peter was formally known as Hugh Hurd then changed his name in his teens because his parents had been calling him Pete since he was a child. Peter dropped out of the West Point Military Academy due to the rigorous physical and mental stress and devoted his life to the arts. He moved back to Roswell and spent most of his life there. The â€Å"Eve of Saint John† was painted in 1960 on his ranch in New Mexico. The little girl in the depiction is the daughter of Hurd’s ranch foreman and is alive today, still living in Roswell. The child, Doretea Herrera, at the time was twelve years of age and is on her way to a church function holding a candle in her hands. The artist chose to add a lot of detail to even the background of the painting, but I will focus right now on the main image on the board. The girl in the painting has extremely soft skin, which is accomplished by light brush strokes to the cheeks and arms. Her face has many different colors of pink, peach and brown, highlighted with bright white from the candle. She holds the candle in her left hand and shields the flame from view with her right. The brightness from the candle flame can be seen through the cracks between her fingers and is achieved by using brightly colored paint in those areas. The flame barely breaks the plane between the top of her right hand and the background. The girl has sharp facial features not seen often in Mexican or Hispanic peoples, but... Free Essays on Eve Of Saint John William Shakespeare is himself a man of mystery. Many facts myths exists about him, as if to say he had many chapters in his life. A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare’s life is lacking, and thus much supposition surrounds relatively few facts that are known. It is commonly accepted that he was born in 1564, and it is known that he was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. He is perhaps the best known English playwright and poet, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. Shakespeare’s plays communicate a profound knowledge of human behavior, revealed through portrayals of a wide variety of characters. His use of poetic and dramatic means to create a unified aesthetic effect out of an array of multiple vocal expressions and actions is recognized as a singular achievement. â€Å"Poetic lyrics within his plays express the deepest levels of human motivation in individual, social, and universal situations. This considered one of the greatest accomplishments in literary history†(Volume S, 324)#. To understand Shakespeare’s point of view you have to understand his background. The third of eight children, he was probably educated at the local grammar school. As the eldest son, Shakespeare ordinarily would have been apprenticed to his father’s shop so that he could learn and eventually take over the business, but according to one account he was apprenticed to a butcher because of declines in his father’s financial situation. According to another account, he became a schoolmaster#. In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a farmer. He is supposed to have left Stratford after he was caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas Lucy, a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583 and twins, a boy and a girl, in 1585. The boy did not survive. Shakespeare apparently arrived in London about 1588 and by 1592 had attained success as an actor an...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Aluminum or Aluminium Alloys - List

Aluminum or Aluminium Alloys - List An aluminum alloy is a composition consisting mainly of aluminum to which other elements have been added. The alloy is made by mixing together the elements when aluminum is molten (liquid), which cools to form a homogeneous solid solution. The other elements may make up as much as 15 percent of the alloy by mass. Added elements include iron, copper, magnesium, silicon, and zinc. The addition of elements to the aluminum gives the alloy improved strength, workability, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and/or density, compared with the pure metallic element. Aluminum alloys tend to be lightweight and corrosion resistant. List of Aluminum Alloys This is a list of some important aluminum or aluminium alloys. AA-8000: used for building wire per the National Electrical CodeAlclad: aluminum sheet made by bonding high-purity aluminum to a high strength core materialAl-Li (lithium, sometimes mercury)Alnico (aluminum, nickel, copper)Birmabright (aluminum, magnesium)Duralumin (copper, aluminum)Hindalium (aluminum, magnesium, manganese, silicon)Magnalium (5% magnesium)Magnox (magnesium oxide, aluminum)Nambe (aluminum plus seven other unspecified metals)Silumin (aluminum, silicon)Titanal (aluminum, zinc, magnesium, copper, zirconium)Zamak (zinc, aluminum, magnesium, copper)Aluminum forms other complex alloys with magnesium, manganese, and platinum Identifying Aluminum Alloys Alloys have common names, but they may be identified using a four-digit number. The first digit of the number identifies the class or series of alloy. 1xxx - Commercially pure aluminum also has a four-digit numerical identifier. Series 1xxx alloys are made of 99 percent or higher purity aluminum. 2xxx - The principal alloying element in the 2xxx series is copper. Heat treating these alloys improves their strength. These alloys are strong and tough, but not as corrosion resistant as other aluminum alloys, so they are usually painted or coated for use. The most common aircraft alloy is 2024. Alloy 2024-T351 is among the hardest of the aluminum alloys. 3xxx - The main alloying element in this series is manganese, usually with a smaller amount of magnesium. The most popular alloy from this series is 3003, which is workable and moderately strong. 3003 is used to make cooking utensils. Alloy 3004 is one of the alloys used to make aluminum cans for beverages. 4xxx - Silicon is added to aluminum to make 4xxx alloys. This lowers the melting point of the metal without making it brittle. This series is used to make welding wire. Alloy 4043 is used to make filler alloys for welding cars and structural elements. 5xxx - The principal alloying element in the 5xxx series is magnesium. These alloys are strong, weldable, and resist marine corrosion. The 5xxx alloys are used to make pressure vessels and storage tanks and for various marine applications. Alloy 5182 is used to make the lid of aluminum beverage cans. So, aluminum cans actually consist of at least two alloys! 6xxx - Silicon and magnesium are present in 6xxx alloys. The elements combine to form magnesium silicide. These alloys are formable, weldable, and heat treatable. They have good corrosion resistance and moderate strength. The most common alloy in this series is 6061, which is used to make truck and boat frames. Extrusion products from the 6xxx series are used in architecture and to make the iPhone 6. 7xxx - Zinc is the principal alloying element in the series starting with the number 7. The resulting alloy is heat-treatable and very strong. Important alloys are 7050 and 7075, both used to construct aircraft. 8xxx s include 8500, 8510, and 8520. 9xxx - Presently, the series starting with the number 9 is unused. What Is the Strongest Aluminum Alloy? Manganese added to aluminum increases its strength and yields an alloy with excellent workability and corrosion resistance. The highest strength alloy in the non-heat-treatable grade is alloy 5052. Aluminum Alloy Classification In general, the two broad categories of aluminum alloys are wrought alloys and casting alloys. Both of these groups are subdivided into heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable types. Around 85% of aluminum is used in wrought alloys. Cast alloys are relatively inexpensive to produce because of their low melting point, but they tend to have lower tensile strengths than their wrought counterparts. Sources Davis, J.R. (2001). Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Alloying: Understanding the Basics. pp. 351–416.Degarmo, E. Paul; Black, J T.; Kohser, Ronald A. (2003). Materials and Processes in Manufacturing (9th ed.). Wiley. p. 133. ISBN 0-471-65653-4.Kaufman, John Gilbert (2000). Applications for Aluminium Alloys and Tempers. Introduction to aluminum alloys and tempers. ASM International. pp. 93–94. ISBN 978-0-87170-689-8.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cognitive Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cognitive Learning - Essay Example Many factors that include but are not limited to culture, nurture, education and religion impart knowledge to the individual and influence his/her behavior. Cognitive learning comprises an understanding of the way an individual’s behavior is influenced by the aforementioned factors. The information thus retrieved can be used for formulating learning programmes. Cognitive learning makes an individual gain the necessary knowledge himself/herself by making use of his/her senses. One does not have to be told to learn something particular or behave in a particular manner. Instead, the message is conveyed to the individual without having him/her realize that it was purposefully done. There are numerous ways to achieve this. For example, when a child is appreciated for having behaved in a good manner, he/she will realize that such behavior invites positive response from the adults. So he/she will make it a habit. Likewise, when a child is scolded for having behaved wrongly, he/she wo uld tend not to repeat the act in the future. Companies generally have a reward and punishment system in place to make the employees behave rightly in the workplace. Part 2: Cognitive learning commences as soon as a child begins to gain the sense of the world. In my early childhood days, I was fond of meddling with the switches. Where ever I found a plug, I would put my fingers into it.

Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Job - Essay Example They must be perfect and timely as well as compliant with the set financial laws and regulations. Notably, the job market for financial managers is very competitive and equally growing. However, financial managers with knowledge on international finance and financial instruments and securities have a competitive advantage. Ideally, every company or government agency will require one or more financial managers to oversee its financial operations. In this context, job analysis for a financial manager will help our company and me to recruit the best person for the job in the financial market. There is one vacant position for a Financial Manager in our company. Job Description Having been a Financial Manager, I ascertain that a financial manager in our company bears the responsibility for all financial control and reporting aspects and links the finance department with the upper management. A Financial Manager also analyses accounting data to maximize the company’s working capital , reduce operational costs and improve the overall performance of the company. The Financial Manager ensures that the company’s financial reports comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and other industry regulations. He equally provides financial advice and support to the management to enable them to make sound financial decisions. A financial manager will produce cash-flow statements, direct investment activities, design profit projections, design long-term financial strategies and plans to ensure the going concern of the company. Ideally, the responsibilities and tasks of the financial manager will include: Preparing  and interpreting financial reports, monthly and annual financial accounts. Preparing, managing, and interpreting... In conclusion, the author's find that job analysis is a very fundamental part in the hiring process, because clear understanding of job analysis ensures that the managers can establish the observable tasks and activities as well as identify specific job responsibilities. Additionally, job analysis promotes assessment and selection decisions, which help in identifying the best person for the job. Aspects like the recruitment and section plan, job description, training and development, and performance evaluation rely on the manager’s knowledge on job analysis. This paper approves that training is a very fundamental aspect in financial management, and financial managers should receive constant training as the financial market keeps changing. We experience constant changes in the financial world and the financial managers must attend trainings to equip themselves with the new dynamics in the financial sector. As such, even after attaining the relevant financial achievements and securing employment, many financial managers engage in financial management training which boosts their growth and performance. Subject to the significance of their responsibilities, the management facilitates the training of the financial managers. Such training may relate to the principles of insurance, accounting standards and principles, risk management, direct investments among other relevant topics. Banks, universities and other organizations perform financial management trainings.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Statement of purpose 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Statement of purpose 6 - Essay Example My father is a Mathematics teacher in an intermediate school in Kuwait while my mother is a Kindergarten teacher. They both loved to assist their students in making their dreams come true and they are not about to stop in giving their all to help me reach mine. Having big dreams is one of the things they have always encouraged us, motivating us to excel in various activities and not just concentrate in one thing because they believe that we can never find what is best for us if we do not try other things. My parents have truly been my greatest motivating factors even now, encouraging me to finish my postgraduate studies while they are still able to financially support me. Enrolling for the Masters degree is one of my greatest dreams and I am glad that I have great support which I am taking while I am still young and single so I decided to widen my knowledge in the teaching profession by enrolling in your excellent university. It is my strong desire to become the best teacher I could be, working at a university, shaping the minds of future professionals and encouraging them to become the best that they could be as well. Working as an English teacher in the Ministry of Education in Kuwait since the last quarter of 2010 made me realize how great are the information and trainings that I still need to have. I do believe that I can learn a lot as I go along with my teaching profession, through experience. Nevertheless, as I mentioned earlier, I want to grab the chance to accumulate all the education I can have while I am still young and able to grasp much information and while there are able people to support me. I have graduated English Language and Literature in Arts College, majoring in Linguistics with minor in Translations at Kuwait University and as far as my professors are concerned, they have given me good reviews saying I have a good level of English fluency both in oral and written form. Having English as my second language, I like to have the fluency of na tive speaker so that the United Kingdom has been on the top of my list not just because of the geographical advantage it gives me but because of my love for the historical places. Enrolling in the country will give me a great advantage in my speech especially the correct pronunciation of words as well as sentence construction and other important things to consider in the employment of the language. Though my professors have highly approved of my present skills, I know there is still a wide room for my improvement and I am looking forward to fill that void in the United Kingdom, in the University of Warwick. One of my great passions is teaching but as they say, you can only give what you have. In my few months of working with the Ministry of Education, I have to confess that my educational experience is still not enough to get me through to be the teacher I would like to be. Ambitious, you might think I am. Probably, I would much agree but not in the negative sense of the word becaus e my ambitions are not just geared to the making of a great ‘me’ but to becoming the vessel of information and training where students could take the training and education they want from me. I have seen how much my fellow Kuwaitis need the training from a foreign land and I am offering myself to be just another instrument to meeting this need. It is my desire that I would be a great influence in the success of other people as I succeed in my own

The Marketing Mix of Mini Cheddar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Marketing Mix of Mini Cheddar - Essay Example The good results of the company were because of the good strategy of the company price and product quality. However, the company needed to improve on promotion and the place as it caused the company some problems. The study through the questionnaire pointed out that the company needed to do more on its strategies to improve it marketing strategy and meet good customer base. Introduction The source of the information on this part was from Kenilson who is the author of the book, â€Å"Marketing (Daewin, 2011)† .Cheddars are products of baked Cheddar cheese, which are flavored with the British savory biscuits with granular crumby texture. Cheddars in the present market are sold under the McVitie’s. Mini cheddars came in as a result of diversification of the products by theMcvities’ as the sales of their unique products started to wane. They products became increasingly popular in the 1970s, which led to the introduction of new flavors in the market The flavors intro duced in include the Marmite, BBQ Beef, Pickle and Mature Cheddar. The new variety of crispier lined Mini Cheddars called Crinkly were also launched .The company strategy is to be the market leader in a competitive market to ensure their sales are higher and have a great customer base. Product quality and price plays a crucial role in the marketing strategy of the company. The company has customers in all categories which range from children to adults. The company products are unique and are of high quality. The company prices are reasonable and affordable to their cu8stomers.However, the questionnaire administered indicated that there is the need to improve on the strategy of promotion and the location of the company’s outlet ( MinicheddarHistory.php). Methodology In the process of administering the questionnaire I had four members in my team, Mary, Paul, and me. As a team we decided to sit down and decide to design the best questionnaire which we will carry research on the cheese brand and establish the concept of Marketing Mix. We came up with 20 closed questionnaires in order to come up with valid results from the respondents. Lastly, we administered the questionnaires on about 100 respondents in Upper Tilley Shopping mall and we managed to receive 80 feedbacks concerning the study. Results and the analysis of the Mini Cheddar The findings on the administered questionnaire were presented in percentage form. Majority of the correspondence to the questionnaire knew what Mini Cheddars and it represented 80% of the population. On the other hand, the number of those who did not know this product completely was 20% of the total samples in the questionnaire. The questions were entirely based on the 4P Marketing Mix strategy. Products The cheese products from the company is meant for several categories of people who include the children and adults and in order to meet the needs of these diverse groups of people the compa ny products should be of high quality. On the question on what the consumers look at in buying the Mini Cheddar products, many correspondents to the questionnaire said that they look at quality, which 35% of the total questionnaires administered. 20% of the questionnaires liked the taste of the products, thus making them to buy the product. Still on the product, most of the customers who responded to the questionna

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International finance and management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International finance and management - Essay Example hods for managing the said exposures are forward contracts, money market contract, currency options, currency swaps, leading and lagging and choice of currency invoice. Lastly, a brief illustration on how to use the money market and forward contract is provided. Medco Ltd is a pharmaceutical company based in the U.K. the company deals in exports and imports of medicines throughout Europe. The nature of the company’s transaction presents a risk as a result of the fluctuation of the foreign exchange rates. The company is planning to invoice a customer in France for 500,000 euros, payable in six months. The company’s managing directors seek advice on whether to implement money market or forward contract hedging strategy. This essay presents the risks in relation to the changes in exchange rate, the causes and factors affecting foreign exchange rate risks, methods of dealing with the forex risks and a mathematical illustration to help the company’s managing directors decided between the two hedging strategies (money market and forward contract). Foreign exchange is a market concept that means, converting currency of one country into that of another. Therefore, foreign exchange market is the market that hosts the currency conversion process (Baxter & Stockman 1989). The process of currency conversion depends on exchange rates. An exchange rate is the cost charged for converting the value of a country’s currency into the value of another. A spot exchange rate is the rate used in an instant currency conversion agreement between two or more parties (Dornbusch 1976). Spot exchange is carried out in a spot exchange market, which is part of the foreign exchange market. On the other hand, forward exchange rate is the rate agreed on today, to convert currencies at a future date specified in the agreement (Weithers 2011). The fluctuating exchange rate could present an unfavorable situation to a company if the local currency is rendered less valuable, (increased

In what ways did industrialization create new opportunities for women Essay - 1

In what ways did industrialization create new opportunities for women How and why were these opportunities limited - Essay Example portunities increased for women in terms of domestic manufacturing, employment opportunities for women started to decline from the 1880s until after the Second World War as the employment opportunities became related to the stagnating textile industry. Agriculture, domestic services, and manufacturing had started to contract in this phase. Change of the industry’s structure toward such heavy industries as metallurgy, machines, and mining signified a decrease in the work for married women workers. Although the government was not controlled by socialism until the 1917 Russian revolution, yet many governments were forced to target the industrial society’s abuses, as a result of which the parliament prohibited women’s underground employment e.g. â€Å"many women had worked in coal mines as "drawers" in which they pulled carts of coal from the mines with straps attached to their shoulders† (â€Å"The Industrial Revolution†). By 1914, certain new protest outlets including feminism and new work roles emerged for women. New standards and ideas brought important changes in the home (Stearns et

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

International finance and management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International finance and management - Essay Example hods for managing the said exposures are forward contracts, money market contract, currency options, currency swaps, leading and lagging and choice of currency invoice. Lastly, a brief illustration on how to use the money market and forward contract is provided. Medco Ltd is a pharmaceutical company based in the U.K. the company deals in exports and imports of medicines throughout Europe. The nature of the company’s transaction presents a risk as a result of the fluctuation of the foreign exchange rates. The company is planning to invoice a customer in France for 500,000 euros, payable in six months. The company’s managing directors seek advice on whether to implement money market or forward contract hedging strategy. This essay presents the risks in relation to the changes in exchange rate, the causes and factors affecting foreign exchange rate risks, methods of dealing with the forex risks and a mathematical illustration to help the company’s managing directors decided between the two hedging strategies (money market and forward contract). Foreign exchange is a market concept that means, converting currency of one country into that of another. Therefore, foreign exchange market is the market that hosts the currency conversion process (Baxter & Stockman 1989). The process of currency conversion depends on exchange rates. An exchange rate is the cost charged for converting the value of a country’s currency into the value of another. A spot exchange rate is the rate used in an instant currency conversion agreement between two or more parties (Dornbusch 1976). Spot exchange is carried out in a spot exchange market, which is part of the foreign exchange market. On the other hand, forward exchange rate is the rate agreed on today, to convert currencies at a future date specified in the agreement (Weithers 2011). The fluctuating exchange rate could present an unfavorable situation to a company if the local currency is rendered less valuable, (increased

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gender roles. Roles of Men and Women in Society Essay

Gender roles. Roles of Men and Women in Society - Essay Example II. The biological make up of an individual within a society has long been used to determine how that person should behave †¢ Biology is not necessarily a determining factor in gender roles †¢ In many of the societies today, there is a tendency to ascribe roles according to the biological makeup of the individuals within them †¢ Men were given the positions of power, not because they could do better than women, but because of their biological makeup III. The society plays a major role in determining the gender roles of the individuals within it †¢ The parents of a large number of people in society determine the gender roles of their children and rigidly enforce them. †¢ Society is a powerful force in the lives of the individuals within it †¢ It is often extremely difficult for individuals to go against the roles which have been set for them by their own societies IV. Culture is another major factor that determines the gender roles of individuals in the societies within which they live. †¢ There are many different cultures around the world and each has its own expectations about what roles the members of each sex should undertake †¢ Other cultures cannot be judged according to the western standards because of the fact that while there may be similar cultures, there are others which are completely different †¢ In a globalized culture, men and women are considered to be equal and tend to be given equal opportunities, with each sex performing those tasks which were traditionally reserved for the other V. The various roles that are ascribed to the various genders are mostly determined by the society within which individuals live as well as by its culture. Biology only acts as a marker to determine how the society is going to socialize an individual to behave and it is not in itself a definer of gender roles Within the modern world, gender roles are starting to become insignificant Women can take up the roles traditionally reserved for men with the same efficiency and the reverse has also been proven to be true The gender roles are today slowly becoming blurred and they may cease to exist altogether in future It is a fact that gender roles have existed for almost as long as the human race has existed and it is quite possible that they will continue to exist in the foreseeable future. T hey are a part of the daily lives of individuals and are manifested within the society by observable factors such as how one behaves or appear. Gender roles can be considered to be patterns of feelings deemed appropriate or inappropriate because of one’s gender and they derive from the social expectations of how members of the different genders whether male or female, should behave. An example of this is if a person considers themselves to be female, then she would be expected to display the characteristics which are typically associated with being female, such as being gentle, dependent and expressive of their feelings. There are various factors that are used to determine the gender roles in society and the most important of these are biological, social, and cultural factors. One would state that the biological make up of an individual within a society has long been used to determine how that person should behave. However, there is yet to be proof of the fact that whether on e is male or female, he or she is born with the innate knowledge of the characteristics that are often ascribed to their gender (Zosuls et al 827). In

Monday, October 14, 2019

Living in Texas vs Louisiana Essay Example for Free

Living in Texas vs Louisiana Essay Texas is the second most populous and the second-largest of the 50 states in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States (Wikipedia, Texas, 2013). Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America and is the 31st most extensive and the 25th most populous of the 50 United States ((Wikipedia, Louisiana, 2013). Texas and Louisiana are two different areas in the United States to live that have many diverse ways of living. Between both states, Texas is easier to live in than Louisiana because of the differences in culture, economy, and climate. The name Texas is based on the Caddo word tejas meaning friends or alliesand was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in East Texas (Wikipedia, Etymology, 2013). Texas has many variations of cultures that reside within the state and these culture’s range from caucasian (white), african american (black), and spanish american (hispanic). The state also has other forms of cultures too but the ones I named are the main ethnicity that you see on a daily basis. Texas has many assortments of cultures which makes the state a equal opportunity for many cultures to advance in numerous areas of employment. The cultures in Texas always interacted with one another in different areas of living and would live in the same areas has another race and would become friends. They would go to school together and enjoy it, grocery shop at the same stores with no problems, and get gas at the same gas stations as everyone else. The races in Texas might have their differences between one another but would still except the fact that everyone has to do the same daily activities as anyone else. Louisiana was named after Louis XIV, King of France from 1643–1715. Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle claimed the territory drained by the Mississippi River for France, and named it La Louisiane, meaning Land of Louis (Wikipedia, Toponym, 2013). Louisiana is mainly made up of caucasian’s and african american’s and the races do not mix very well. The way that I remember it when I live in Tallulah, Louisiana was that their was a railroad track that divided the small town into two different sections. The black’s lived on one side of the railroad tracks and the whites lived on the other side. There is only a few ways that the races interacted with one another and they were by achieving the same education from the same small town schools, grocery shopping at the only grocery store in the town, and at the few gas stations that were by the main highway. The ways the cultures had to interact with one another were not by choice but by having to so they could live their life’s and meet their ways of living in society. You would never see the cultures become friends and if they did they only showed it in the areas that they were allowed to be around each other in the town and that would consist of the places I named that you would see the two cultures together but not by choice. I was friends with everyone and did not understand why this small town lived the way that it did. I would love to go back to that town today to see if the ways of living has changed at all or if it stayed the same. I was only in fourth and fifth grade when I lived there. Texas’s large population, abundance of natural resources, thriving cities and leading centers of higher education have contributed to a large and diverse economy. Since oil was discovered, the states economy has reflected the state of the petroleum industry. In 2010, Site Selection Magazine ranked Texas as the most business-friendly state in the nation, in part because of the states three-billion-dollar Texas Enterprise Fund. Texas has the joint-highest number of Fortune 500 company headquarters in the United States, along with California. As of 2010, Texas had a gross state product (GSP) of $1. 207 trillion, is the second highest in the U.  S. , and is the fourth-largest of any country subdivision globally. As of April 2012, the states unemployment rate is only at 6. 5% (Wikipedia, Economy of Texas, 2013). Texas’s economy has went through the recession just like any other state but has started to rise out of the recession because of the land of oil industry that has hit its highest point since when I lasted lived in the state. The state of Texas I think is the busiest of many states because of its high demand of employment for the oil industry. The jobs are anywhere from secretary employment to a derrick man on the rig itself drilling the oil out of the ground. Every position has its own way of being very important. I miss living in this state because of how big the state is and the different areas of employment that is available. Texas does hit rock bottom but will always find a way out to rise above other states. Louisiana’s state principal is agricultural products which include seafood, cotton, soybeans, cattle, sugarcane, poultry and eggs, dairy products, and rice. The seafood industry is its biggest producer of crawfish in the world, supplying approximately 90% and directly supports an estimated 16,000 jobs. Louisiana industry generates chemical products, petroleum and coal products, processed foods and transportation equipment, and paper products. Tourism is an important element in the economy, especially in the New Orleans area. The total gross state product in 2010 for Louisiana was US $213. 6 billion, placing it 24th in the nation. Its per capita personal income is $30,952, ranking 41st in the United States. As of January 2010, the states unemployment rate was 7. 4% and an African American is three times as likely as a white person to be unemployed in Louisiana (Wikipedia, Economy, 2013). In Louisiana the Caucasian race has a higher play in job placement before African Americans which I do not think is right but every state has its differences. The white race runs most of the environment in Louisiana but the black’s make up the other part that is left to run. When you walk into different stores in Louisiana most of them are owned by Caucasians but blacks may be a part of the team by being an employee. If you do see a black own a place in Louisiana it is only because he fought and showed his abilities to become somebody. Seafood is a way to isolated Louisiana from any other state and it makes a lot of income from producing there different seafood products throughout the United States but the seafood industry does not pay as high as the oil field industry does in Texas. The large size of Texas and its location at the intersection of multiple climate zones gives the state highly variable weather. The Panhandle of the state has colder winters than North Texas, while the Gulf Coast has mild winters. Texas has wide variations in precipitation patterns (Wikipedia, Climate of Texas, 2013). The city I lived in was San Antonio, the summers were hot and the winters were mild. The rainy season is between the months of January and February. I loved the summers of Southern Texas because they are longer than the winters and are able to wear light clothing. The winters sometimes would get really cold but for the most part it was mild and easy to convert over to the climate change. In San Antonio it has only snowed a few times and since I have been born I only remember once when it snowed and it only stayed for a couple of hours because the climate in Southern Texas is warmer than other states. Louisiana has a humid subtropical climate, perhaps the most classic example of a humid subtropical climate of all the South-central states. It has long, hot, humid summers and short, mild winters (Wikipedia, Climate, 2013). The summers and winters are similar in ways to Texas but the winters could be very cold and it does snow in Louisiana and the temperatures in the winter are a lot colder than in Texas. I remember when my mom drove in the snow in Louisiana but I cannot recall a time when she has ever driven in the snow in Texas where we lived. It does snow in Texas but in the northern part by the Panhandle.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Study And Definition Of Total Quality Management Management Essay

Study And Definition Of Total Quality Management Management Essay W. Edwards Deming firstly introduced TQM (Total Quality Management) in 1950s in Japan. It is a modern quality management based on the conventional quality management. Along with the development of science and technology as well as the requirement of management, it has become a strong systematic science. It is a philosophy that involves everyone in an organization with a frequent effort improving quality and achieving customer satisfaction (Boyne and George.2002). Feigenbaum, the famous experts from the United States, gave the definition of TQM in the early 1960s as follows: to be able to make market research, design, manufacturing and after-sales service in the most economical level, and fully meeting customer requirements (Chiaburu and Dan, 2005). Moreover, the quality development, quality maintenance and the quality improvement of various departments in the enterprise constitute an effective integrated system. Specifically, TQM implies main ideas that are, strong customer focus, continuous improvement, and employee authorisation. From the perspective of present and future, the customer has become roles that should never be neglected. Customer-centered management model is gradually being attached great importance by enterprises (Chiaburu and Dan, 2005). TQM focus on customer value and the leading idea is customer satisfaction and recognition is the key to gain market create value for long-term. Therefore, TQM must be taking Customer-centered throughout the enterprise management process, that is in all aspects, from market research to product design, sample, production, inspection, warehousing, sales and after-sales service, it is important to establish the customer priority attitude firmly, not only to produce affordable products, but also good services for customers, and ultimately make customer satisfaction assured. Continuous improvement is a philosophy of never-ending improvement. TQM is a commitment that could never to be satisfied, the quality that can always be improved, There is always a better choice beyond the best. Under the guidance of this concept, enterprises improve the product, service quality and reliability continuously, all of which ensure to access a competitive advantage. As for employee empowerment, TQM enables workers on production line to join in the improvement process and uses the form of teams extensively to identify and solve problems (Grote, 2000). Employees are expected to seek out, identify, and correct quality problems. Besides, some other aspects are also important, such as ongoing employee training in the use of quality tools, design products to meet customer expectations; process management; and extend quality concepts to a companys suppliers. Improvement of TQM cause what kind of improvements of relationship between customers and front line staff? Total quality management means that everyone should be responsible for quality, which not only refers to the quality of the product, but also refers to the quality of services. Meanwhile, the quality of service is not limited to customer service, but also refers to the service for company employees, such as co-ordination among the colleagues, the convergence between departments etc. Nevertheless, everything in the company, should give customers and consumers a good impression (Longnecker and Nykodym, 2000). Therefore, if the concept of TQM is deep into the heart of the staff and implemented effectively, it will guide the staff to give good customer services, so that make customer satisfaction. More importantly, it can improve the relationship between employees and customers. Take the following case as an example: if an employee fails to be motivated by the leader, he may not take active contribution in the meeting to identify problems and to find solutions in the process. What is worse is that he may work passively; his team spirit will be reduced, which will have a negative impact on the whole company. Conversely, if the manager can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each employee, the departments team spirit will certainly be fully exposed, and the overall objective of the company will be achieved to meet the customers wants, needs and desires. Therefore, it can be effective to strengthen the skills and quality consciousness of workers (Rainey and Pandey, 2000). The following steps are creating appropriately incentive, training the sense of ownership and efficiency in all staffs, and strengthening the sense of Teamwork. All these will make the internal staff work with enthusiasm, thus the target customers will get first-class product and high-standard se rvice quality. How to improve? To improve the TQM, it is necessary to know what customers want, more importantly, understand customers psychology, all of which requires doing market research ahead of time. Then the production of qualified products and quality services should be provided for customers to meet their needs and desires (Janssen and Yperen, 2004). A Significant feature of Total quality management is the preventive, that is to change the after checking to strengthening the idea of advance prevention, and make management results as the management factor. So it is necessary to make clear factors, which affect product quality during the production process. They are Man, Machine, Material, and Method (Rainey and Bozeman, 2000). In the four main factors, the man is the most vital one. Whether the equipment operation, maintenance, or the acceptance and check of materials, and even the compliance and improvement of method, that all depend on workers intelligence and enthusiasm, so they play a most important role during the whole process. Machine (Equipment) management includes the early detection of equipment daily maintenance and appropriate measures and certain standards of maintenance and regular adjustment. Material managements are to enhance the acceptance, improve the storage method, and avoid the damage and the metamorphism of material and so on. As for the method, the best operation method should be standardized, written, and introduced to the workers (Hui and Lam, 2000). All in all, it is necessary to apply the PDCA cycle during the process. That is carrying out all the plans with the quality as the centre basing on full participation. The PDCA cycle is also called Deming Wheel or Continuous Improvement Spiral that is Plan-Do-Check-Action cycle showed in the following graph. In other words, plan is to analyse the situation, identify problems to find out the major factors of the reasons and at last develop an action plan. Do is to carry out the plan. Check is to Check the implementation results of the plan, and A is to sum up the successful experience and develop an appropriate standards, at last ,take the unresolved or emerging issues into the next PDCA cycle ¼Ã‹â€ Briggs and Charlotte, 2003 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. Specifically, it is appropriate to seek for what the customer wants at first, and then design a product or service that meets or exceeds customer wants, further more, design processes that facilitate doing the job right the first time, and keep track of results at last to extend these concepts to suppliers. Brief description Hyatt is a globally recognized hospitality company with more than fifty-year history. The Hyatt regency sanctuary cove is a five-star resort hotel and this hotel has a traditional Queensland homestead style. It is also in a beautiful position amid lush, tropical gardens. This resort hotel features a colonial design that is an elegant reminder of former times, offering a unique blend of Australian hospitality and sophistication. There are different types of rooms offered in Hyatt regency sanctuary cove hotel. King room, twin room, lagoon view king, lagoon view twin, club king, club twin, Queenslander suit, homestead suit, federation suite and manor suit. There are 14 dedicated meeting rooms, conference and banquet facilities accommodating groups of 10 to 500. Each room has different types of amenities such as balcony, individual heat control, separate sitting area and so on. This hotel provides special offers to government, AAA or CAA members, senior citizens and corporate or group members. There are variety of services and facilities such as 24-hour in-room dining and resort security, shuttle bus service, Camp Hyatt that offers parents free time to enjoy gym and playing golf while their kids are engaging exciting activities, laundry and valet service and 24-hour medical centre. And also wineries and gourmet trails, national park and waterfalls, theme parks surround this hotel and they are easy to reach from the hotel. TQM implementation process Total quality management is applicable to all kinds of businesses. On the other hand, it is more difficult for hospitality industries to implement TQM because products are intangible, services are produced and consumed at the same time and customers values are different (Vrtodusic, 2000). As Hyatt hotel is well known on the tourist market and the guests are recognising it as a good four-star hotel, it is important to have continuous improvement to keep the business healthy. In hotel industries, people participant in rendering particular services cope directly with other people every day and for that reason they are required to be extremely sensitive to exceed the personal needs, wants and desires (Lakhe and Mohanty, 1995). One of the best ways to achieve quality improvement is obtained by focusing on its customers concerns. By surveying its customers and owners in related to safe operating procedures, attitude, degree of communication, service delivery system and performance, the hot el can improve its TQM effectively. Hyatt must identify and choose processes that are to be of interest to the committee and also likely to give reasonable results. Its reservation processes, from the time guests make bookings until they arrive at their room can be an example. In order to improve and identify this process, first, meetings need to be held with the managers of departments who are directly involved in the process. Second, interviews need to be done with its staff, and lastly observation of the processes is needed (Saunders and Graham 1992). Through these steps, measurement points can be identified such as timeliness, integrity, predictability and satisfaction (See Appendix 1). Hyatt hotel also need to provide quality-training programme. Employees, however, need to be trained from upper management to the in-house trainers and facilitators to emphasise the importance of training. For the management training, it needs to cover basic topics such as importance of customer s atisfaction, background, overview and benefit of TQM. More importantly, managers need to understand steps in implementing TQM, principles of team building and employee empowerment. Furthermore, non-supervisory employees need to be informed clearly about Hyatts vision, mission and guiding principles (Witt and Muhlemann, 1994). Empowerment is the most popular concept in modern management and organisation applications, which means giving workers responsibilities for solving customers complains. It makes employees more productive and esteemed (Wilkinson, 1998). In addition, it is important for employees to take a positive action to find out what went wrong. For instance, handling guests complains on the spot rather than asking their manager and fix it later will reduce the cost. There are some possible improvements when quality improvement teams are established. It will provide increased employee value, informed and skilled employees, employee suggestions and participation, and personal development. Feedback is also an important part of TQM. If Hyatt hotel can reduce the time between identifying guests needs and satisfying these needs, it might increase customer retention. Even though it is significant to increase occupancy rate for the hotel, focusing on quality goals will develop quality of service and products and make more profits. Suppliers also need to improve their quality in terms of the time between ordering and delivery. If they do not improve and have willingness to do that, it is not recommended to deal with them. References Briggs, C. L. Joan, S. (2003). How do we know a continuous planning academic program when we see one? Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 16, No. 2: 361-370. Boyne, G. A. and Richard, M. W. (2002). Total quality management and performance: An evaluation of the evidence and lessons for research on public organizations. Public Performance Management Review. Vol. 26, No. 2: 111-123. Chiaburu, D. S. (2005). The effects of instrumentality on the relationship between goal orientation and leader-member exchange. The Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 25, No.3, 365-369 Grote,. D. (2000). Public Sector Organizations: Todays Innovative Leaders in Performance Management. Public Personnel Management. Vol. 29, No. 1: 1-20. Hendrick, R. (2002). Comprehensive management and budgeting reform in local government: The case of Milwaukee. Public Performance and Management Review. Vol. 23, No.3: 312-37 Hui, C. Lam, S. S. K., Law, K. K. S. (2000). Instrumental values of organizational citizenship behavior for promotion: A field quasi-experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 85, No.11: 822-828. Janssen, O. Van Yperen, N. W. (2004). Employees goal orientations, the quality of leader-member exchange, and the outcomes of job performance and job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 47, No.7: 368-384. Lakhe, R. R. Mohanty, R. P. (1995). Understanding TQM in service systems. The international journal of Quality Reliability Management. Vol. 12, No. 9: 139-153. Longnecker, C. O. Nykodym, N.. (2000). Public Sector Performance Appraisal Effectiveness: A Case Study. Public Personnel Management. Vol. 25, No.2: 151-164. Rainey, H. G. Barry, B. (2000). Comparing public and private organizations: Empirical research and the power of a priori. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Vol. 10, No.2: 447-69. Rainey, H. G., Pandey, S. and Barry, B. (2000). Research note: Public and private managers perceptions of red tape. Public Administration Review. Vol. 55, No.6: 567-74. Saunders, Ian W. and Graham, Mary Ann (1992). Total quality management in the hospitality industry, Total Quality Management Business Excellence. Vol. 3, No.3: 243-256 Vrtodusic, A. (2000). Standardization and TQM in the hotel industry. Hotel 2000. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija, Opatija. Pp. 1. Wilkinson, A. (1998). Empowerment: Theory and Practice. Personal Review. Journal of employee management. Vol. 27, No. 1: 40-56. Witt, C. A., Muhlemann, A. P. (1994). The implementation of total quality management in tourism: some guidelines. Journal of Tourism Management. Vol. 15, No. 6: 416-424.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Can Happiness Be Achieved? Essay -- Happiness Essays

"A library of wisdom, is more precious than all wealth, and all things that are desirable cannot be compared to it." -- Plato Throughout time, people have constantly attempted to seek out what happiness truly is, and, if possible, how to achieve this happiness. The idea of what happiness is has changed often, and is dependent on the environment that the people live in. The era and the ideologies of that time period, the community, and who the people interact with all affect the idea of what happiness truly is. Because of this, what happiness is, and how to achieve it, will be continually changing. The true meaning and idea of happiness could perhaps never be truly known. Throughout the ages, the idea of what happiness is has been changing constantly, dependant on the time period of the person. This may be because there is no one true idea of happiness and every separate ideology has a different view and interpretation of what it means to be truly happy. While some may believe that it is through knowledge that happiness is achieved, others may believe it to be achieved through a balance between the physiological self and the moral self, or through overcoming cravings in any form. Happiness could simply be the pursuit of knowledge, and the pursuit to understand what happiness really is. In studying and pursuing knowledge, happiness is achieved. In Plato’s ideas, happiness could be seen as an attempt to achieve perfection on earth. It would be impossible to be perfectly happy, because on earth the happiness would only be a representation or imitation of the true idea of happiness. The true perfect form of happiness is only an idea that all humans strive to reach. Therefore, every person, throughout their personal circumsta... ...idea. If this is true, there may not be a point in attempting to be happy. The greatest comfort that people may have is knowing that there is no higher form of happiness, and by refusing to pursue it, they acquire a deeper understanding and contentment of themselves. Happiness cannot be eternally defined, because the idea of what happiness is would change with the ideas of people. It may not be possible to ever truly understand what happiness really is, or if there is some higher form of happiness. If there is a higher idea of happiness, then this is what all people are striving for, but failing because it is impossible to reach the idea of happiness, just the representation of the idea of happiness. Whether or not happiness can be achieved or pursued, it is the attempt to understand more about happiness that brings the idea of happiness closer to possibility.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Early Childhood Curriculum Essay

Introduction: Early Childhood is an important stage of children’s life. By interacting with people around (each other and the adults), children explore and make sense of the world around them. A successful early childhood curriculum should fulfill children’s need to give children rich experience at the most important developmental stage of their lives. This paper will critically discuss, compare and contrast High/Scope, Reggio Emilia to Te Whariki, at the end of this paper the author will talk about own philosophy of early childhood education. Hi/Scope Curriculum was developed in US in 1962 in Michcigan, this programme was designed for at risk children from low income families. There were significant issues for thildren from lower class society and especially African-American children which were shown to be low achievers and low IQ scores comparing with the same-age children in the other area at this time. In 1962 David Weikart of Ypsilanti, Michigan, became distressed at the inability of the local school system to produce literate, functional adults (Holt, 2007). As an experienced teacher, Weikart took a hard look at best practice and current educational theories. He wanted to discover a preschool curriculum that would generate better academic outcomes in later years and equip children to deal successfully with life as adults. With colleagues, Weikart initiated an experimental preschool programme, comparing the progress of his children with a control group of the same age kept at home. Thus the construction of the framework known as the High/Scope approach began. The main features of the program was regular visiting home bade by teachers, during which teachers shared information about children’s learning and development, children’s interesting was informed teacher by parents. This programme was implemented within a number of countries based on the model (Holt, 2007). The deprived neighbourhoods of Ypsilanti started to see a positive turn in children’s academic success, and the High/Scope approach spread. The success of Weikart’s approach was borne out by statistics gathered as the years went by: his High/Scope students achieved better job retention, higher earnings, lower arrest rates, and less dependency on social services. The High/Scope philosophy is based on the work of Jean Piaget, Piage suggests that â€Å"When the active school requires that student’s efforts come from the student himself instead of being imposed, and that his intelligence undertakes authentic work instead of accepting predigested knowledge from outside, it is simply asking that laws of all intelligence be respected† (cited in Dunlap, 1997, p. 56) Piaget used the term â€Å"active school† to refer to a child being involved in active exploration of and ecperimentation with the environment rather than the child passively listening to a teacher provide instruction. High/Scope focuses on the importantance of active learning (Dunlap, 1997). The HighScope Curriculum emphasizes active participatory learning. Active learning means students have direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events, and ideas. Children’s interests and choices are at the heart of the HighScope programs. Children are active learners, they learn best through the experiences that they gained from the world around them and their own discoveries (Holt, 2007). They construct their own knowledge through interactions with the world and the people around them. In active learning settings, adults expand children’s thinking with diverse materials and nurturing interactions environment. The Wheel of Active Learning High/Scope is often pictured as a ‘wheel’ rotating on the ‘hub’ of active learning—learning through hands-on involvement with people, materials, events, and ideas. High/Scope’s wheel of active learning has four ‘spokes’: Adult/Child Interaction, Learning Environment, Daily Routine, and Assessment. Adult/Child Interaction means that shared control between adults and children is central to the High/Scope Curriculum. In addition to sharing control, adults in a High/Scope classroom participate in children’s play, conversa as partners with them, focus on children’s strengths and offer them support, and encourage children’s problem solving. Lists of recommended ‘key experiences’ (58 of them) have been compiled and incorporated into the High/Scope curriculum, to further children’s mental, physical, social and emotional development. These key experiences fall into ten categories: creative representation, language and literacy, initiative and social relations, movement, music, classification, seriation, number, space, and time. Learning Experience/environment is about how High/Scope settings set out their rooms to support children’s choices and interest. In High/Scope settings, a well-defined interest areas that typically include a home area, art area, block area, toy area, and other areas that reflect the children’s interests. High/Scope classrooms follow a predictable sequence of events called the Daily Routine. The daily routine in a High/Scope classroom includes plan-do-review, small and large group time, outside time, transition times, and eating and resting times. Plan-do-review is a key component of High/Scope approach, children first plan what materials they want to work with, what they want to do and whom they want do it with. Once they have made a plan they can go and do it. Then, after this chosen work -time, the children discuss what they did and whether it was the same as or different from what they had planned. Another key element of High/Scope is Assessment. In High/Scope settings, teachers assess children’s development with comprehensive observations, they record daily anecdotes describing what children do and says. Teachers review these anecdotes and rate each child using an assessment tool that is organized into six areas of development several times a year. These scores will help the teachers design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities and can be used to explain children’s progress during conferences (Holt, 2007) Holt stressed that there are five basic ingredients of High/Scope approch: a variety of interesting Materials; the opportunity to explore and work with materials-Manipulation; the opportunity to choose materials and decide how to use them- Choice; children talk about their experiences and learning-Language; Support for adult. (Holt, 2007, p,13) Roopnarine and Johnson argued that teachers new to the High/Scope curriculum sometimes confusing about their roles. They should see themselves as actively observers and setting up problem solving situations for children (Roopnarine and Johnson, 2003). Generally, Sheinehart described the Validity of the High/Scope Reschool Education Model as: â€Å"The High/Scope model of preschool education is an open framework of educational ideas and practices based on the natural development of young children, developed by David Weikart and his colleagues in the 1960s. Based on the child development ideas of Jean Piaget, the High/Scope preschool model views children as active learners, who learn best from activities that they themselves plan, carry out, and reflect upon. Adults arrange interest areas in the learning environment; maintain a daily routine that permits children to learn actively; and join in children’s activities, asking questions that extend children’s plans and help them think through what they do. They encourage children to engage in a variety of key experiences that contribute to their own development. † (Sheinehart, 2003). Comparing with Te Whariki (the National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood of New Zealand), Te Whariki is adopted Vygotsky’s sociolcultural approach, it is a bicultural document, which is written in both English and Maori. â€Å"The developers of Te Whariki developed a framework that has implemented a bicultural perspective, an anti-racist approach and reciprocal relationships with the Maori Community in New Zealand†(Soler &Miller, 2003, p,62) Reggio Emilia is a small town of about 130,000 people in Northern Italy. The approach was developed at the end of World War Two by the local community. Since then, â€Å"the city of Reggio Emilia has been developing an educational system for young children through the collaborative efforts of parents, teachers, and the general community, under the guiding influence of Loris Malaguzzi† (Hewett, 2001, p,95). In 1991, Newsweek magazine noted that in Reggio Emilia, there are 33 infant/toddler schools and preschools of the system were among the ten best school systems in the world. Over the last 35 years, a process of collaborative examination and snalysis of teaching and learning about children were carried out by the teachers in the Reggio Emilia schools. This examination and analysis has broadened constructivist theory, and the results have been demonstrated to experts in education. (Klein, 2007) So far, â€Å"the schools in Regil Emilia have grown out of a culture that values children, out of the intense commitment of group of parents, out of the leadership of a visionary man† (Neugebauer, 1994, p,67). The key elements of Reggio Emilia approach include: Child as active leaner; Environment as the third teacher; three parties (children, parents and teachers) collaborating in children’s learning; Making learning visible. Regio Emilia approach requires children to be seen as competent, resourceful, curious, imaginative, innovative and possessing a desire to interact and communicate with others. The role of collaboration among children, teachers and parent, the co-construction of knowledge, the interdependence of individual and social learning and the role of culture in understanding this interdependence. (Baji Rankin, 2004). The approach is based on work of Dewey, Paiget & Vygotsky, these multiple influences led Reggio Emilia approach see children as active and competent learner. (klein, 2007) Although the approach draws many ideas and theories of the great thinkers, â€Å"the fundamental philosophy serving to guide this approach is much more than an eclectic mix of theories† (Hewett, 2001, p. 99). Cooperation and collaboration are terms that stress the value of revisiting social learning. First of all, in term of cooperation, children must become member of a community that is working together, once there is a foundation of trust between the children and adults, collaboration start. An atelierista is a teacher who has a special training that supports the curriculum development of the children and other faculty members. Pedagogistas are built in as part of the carefully planned support system of the Reggio Emilia schools. They are educational consultants that strive to implement the philosophy of the system and advocate for seeing children as the competent and capable people they are. They also make critical connections between families, schools, and community. (Klein, 2007). â€Å"Documentation† is one of the special features of the Reggio Emilia approach, it uses the environment to explain the history of projects and the school coommunity. It serves many pruposes but the most important is used as a research tool for studing children’s learning porcesses. According to Hong (1998) : â€Å"Documentation is about what children are doing, learning and grasping and the product of documentation is a reflection of interactions between teachers and children and among children. Because it is done on a daily basis, is a medium through which teachers discuss curriculum, keep it fluid and emergent, and develop a rational for its course. It provids a growing theory for daily practice† (p, 51) One of  the highlights of Reggio Emilia is the complex long term exploratio of the porjects. The projects of Reggio Emilia always involves in everyday subjects rather than remote or academic ones, such as: weather, rainbows, sunlight, city life, etc and it always be long term projects. In a Reggio Emilia setting, it always includes an art studio and mini-art corners adjoining the individual classrooms. An professional artist is a standard member of staff, complementing the work of teachers by helping children communicate in their ‘hundred languages,’as Malaguzzi referred to children’s many ways of expressing themselves. The Reggio teacher plays a role of artful balacing between engagement and attention (Edwards, 1998). Classroom teachers work in pairs, organize environments rich in possibilites and provocations that invite the children to undertake extended exploration and problem solving. Teachers also are as documenters for the children, help them trace and revist their words and actions to make the learning visible. They provide instruction in tool and material use for children, help find materials and resources, and scaffold children’s learning. The Reggio Emilia teachers are unique because they offer themselves to the process of co-construction of knowledge, they release the traditional roles of the teachers and open doors to new possibilities. The teacher start with the use of the children’s own theories, promote disequlibrium, and help children to think about their thinking to facilitate new learning (Klein, 2007). Different than High/Scope, the environment of Reggio Emilia set up as a â€Å"third teacher†, it is believed beauty helps with concentration, the setting of Reggio Emila always very attractive and pleasing. Different with the other early childhood setting, the layout of typical school set up like the traditional Italian town square with a central, indoor piazza, kitchen and the courtyard. The layout of the setting encourages encounters communication and relationships. (Thornton and Brunton, 2007) The educators of Reggio Emilia view the school as a living organism which sharing relationships among the children, the teachers and the parents. The school produces for the adults, but above all for the children, a feeling of belonging in a world that is alive welcoming and authentic (Malaguzzi, 1994, p. 58). One of the criticisms of the Reggio Emilia approach is that it has been in the absence of a written curriculum and it is a lack of accountability to the wider society. (Soler and Miller, 2003) Any early childhood setting want to apply Reggio Emilia approach to one’s own practice must be careful with the different cultural background. As Hewett stressed that â€Å"Reggio Emilia approach is strongly influenced by a unique image of the child and deeply embedded within the surrounding culture† (2001, p. 99) The Reggio Emilia approach can not be simply coped, it must be carefully uncovered and redefined according to one’s own culture. Similar as Te Whariki, Reggio Emilia is based upon sociocultural principles and emphasizes a child (learner)- centered practice to teaching and learning. The difference between Te Whariki and Reggio Emilia is that Reggio Emilia is not a compromise between the demands of a National Curriculum. The educator of Reggio Emilia do not follow any predetermined national framework, so the Reggio Emilia is always referred to as an ‘approach’ or ‘educational system’ not as a ‘curriculum’ (Soler and Miller, 2003). Early Childhood is an important stage in children’s lives when they find out about and make sense of their surroundings by interacting with others. An ideal curriculum should highlight this tremendous capacity that children have to learn and develop, and the importance of everyone working together to give children rich experiences in these early years. As an early childhood educator, the author has been working in different early childhood settings. The approaches that the setting applied include Montessori, High/Scope and play based. In author’s opinion, the curriculum play the important role of early childhood education, teacher’s role of implementing the curriculum to the daily practical work is more important. Conclusion: Early childhood is the most important time of great opportunity for children’s learning and development. The early childhood curriculum should provide children enjoyable and challenging learn experiences so that children can grow and develop as competent and confident learners. In this paper, the philosophy, features and development of High/Scope and Reggio Emilia approach have been discussed. Meanwhile, the author compares these two curriculums with Te Whariki and talk about the philosophy of early childhood education as well. Reference list Edwards, C. , Gandini, L. , & Forman, G. (1998). The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia approach—advanced reflections. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Hewett, V. M. (2001) Examining the Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29(2), 95-100. Holt, N. (2007). Bringing the high/scope approach to your early years practice. Oxon,UK: Routledge. Klein, A. S. (2007). Different Approaches to Teaching: Comparing Three Preschool Programs. Available From: http://www. earlychildhoodnews. com/earlychildhood/article_print. aspx? ArticleId=367 [Accessed 17 February] Neugebauer, B. (1994). Unpacking My Question and Images: Personal Reflections of Reggio Emilia. Child Care Information Exchange, 3, 67-70. Newsweek (1991, Dec. 2). The 10 Best Schools in the World, and what we can learn from them. 51-64. Schweinhart, L. J. (2005). The High/Scope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 40. Ypsilanti, US: High/Scope Press. Soler, J. , & Miller, L. (2003). The Struggle for Early Childhood Curricula: a comparison of the English Foundation Stage Curriculum, Te Whariki and Reggio Emilia. International Journal of Early Years Education, 11(1), 57-67. Thornton, L. & Brunton, P. (2005). Understanding the Reggio approach: Reflections on the early childhood experience of Reggio Emilia. London, UK: David Fulton.